

Our guidelines 和 protocols continue to be based on the recommendations from the CDC, 佛蒙特州卫生部, 和高等教育保健合作伙伴(VT学院) & 大学卫生保健提供者, ACHA) 和 take into consideration the congregate living environment on campus. This approach has allowed to College to maintain operations while experiencing a very low prevalence of cases on campus.

如果您有任何问题,请随时发送到 (电子邮件保护).

2023年夏季课程和2023年秋季学期, the College has established the following guidelines related to minimizing the impact of COVID-19.

  1. 接种疫苗2023年的夏天 & fall semesters, vaccinations are required for all students, 教师 & 工作人员. 从2023年秋季学期开始, 教师 和 工作人员 are recommended - but not required—to have received a COVID vaccination.
    1. Individuals are considered in compliance with the College's COVID vaccination policy if they have received 要么:
      1. Two doses of the original monovalent vaccine plus one booster (monovalent or bivalent), or:
      2. A single dose of the updated Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna COVID-19 bivalent vaccine.
  2. 掩蔽指南: 学院目前实行“可选口罩”政策, which means each individual can 和 should make a personal choice regarding wearing a mask.
  3. 自我监控健康: 学生 和 employees should monitor their health on a daily basis before interacting with others 和 stay home if they are sick.
    1. 学生 有COVID-19症状的人不应该去上课. Instead, they should make an appointment to see Health Services in the Strauch Family Student Center. 预约是必须的,可以通过电子邮件进行预约 (电子邮件保护) 或者拨打(802)387-1636.
    2. 员工 who are experiencing COVID-19症状 should not come to campus; however, 他们应该打电话给他们的医疗保健提供者以获得进一步的指导, 然后联系他们的直接主管和人力资源部.
  4. 阳性病例隔离: 学生 who test positive for COVID-19 will be required to isolate on campus. COVID-19检测呈阳性的员工应在家中隔离.

Please see below for more details on this summary of our requirements.

Critical Incident Response Team (CIRT) Guidelines for Campus Operations for 2023 Fall Semester (as of 8/16/2022)

  • 接种疫苗的需求

    除了其他免疫接种(MMR), 水痘, 破伤风白喉百日咳混合疫苗, HepB, 脑膜炎球菌四价), L和mark College also requires a COVID vaccination for students to enroll in the 夏天 or fall semesters. 学生 are considered in compliance with the College requirement if they have received 要么:

    1. Two doses of the original monovalent vaccine plus one booster (monovalent or bivalent), or:
    2. A single dose of the updated Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna COVID-19 bivalent vaccine.

    学院强烈鼓励所有学生, 教师, 和 工作人员 to get an additional dose of a bivalent COVID-19 vaccine when they become eligible for one.

    医疗豁免宗教豁免 request forms can be found on the College’s COVID-19 response web page.

    如果您还有任何问题,请随时与我们联系 (电子邮件保护).

  • 掩蔽的指导方针

    学院目前实行“可选口罩”政策, which means each individual can 和 should make a personal choice regarding wearing a mask.

  • 阳性病例的隔离

    学生 who test positive for COVID-19 will be required to isolate on campus.  Depending on the circumstances 和 at the discretion of Health Services, students may be moved to separate housing on campus reserved for isolation or may be allowed to isolate in their residential assignment. 学生 may also choose to travel home during their isolation period if it is practical.


    1. 学术指导和支持将远程提供.
    2. 支持, 监控, 并可通过卫生服务办理登记手续, 住宅生活, 与校园安全.
    3. 学生 will be able to leave isolation for short walks outdoors or to go to the dining hall to get their meal to-go.

    Ending Isolation: Isolation can end at least 5 days after symptom onset if an individual:

    1. 接受阴性抗原测试,并且
    2. has been fever-free for 24 hours (without the use of fever-reducing medication) 和
    3. 症状正在好转
    4. wears a well-fitting mask indoors 和 around others until day 10.
    5. 学生 will be tested after 5 days from symptom onset or positive test, 和 , 如果仍然是阳性, will continue to be tested daily until a negative test is received or isolation lasts 10 days.

    COVID-19检测呈阳性的员工应在家中隔离.  员工 can end isolation after day 5 if their symptoms have improved AND they have had no fever for at least 24 hours without the use of medicine that reduces fevers. 员工 should wear a well-fitting mask indoors 和 around others until day 10.

  • 接触者追踪

    Health Services will conduct contact tracing in positive cases for students.

    员工 will be directed to follow contact tracing guidelines to inform potential close contacts.

  • 密切接触者


    1. 不需要隔离;
    2. should wear a well-fitting mask around others for 10 days from the date of their last close contact with someone with COVID-19 (the date of last close contact is considered day 0);
    3. should get tested at Health Services at least 5 days after they had close contact with someone with COVID-19.
    4. should get tested immediately if they develop COVID-19症状 at any time.

    All other close contacts of a positive student (as opposed to roommates)

    1. 不需要隔离;
    2. should get tested if they develop symptoms at any time – even if vaccinated or recently have had COVID-19.
    3. should get tested immediately if they develop COVID-19症状 at any time.
  • 报告的疾病

    学生 和 employees should monitor their health on a daily basis before interacting with others 和 stay home if they are sick.

    正在经历的学生 COVID-19症状 不应该去上课吗. Instead, they should make an appointment to see Health Services in the Strauch Family Student Center. 预约是必须的,可以通过电子邮件进行预约 (电子邮件保护) 或者拨打(802)387-1636.

    It is highly recommended that students return to campus with 2 – 4 sets of COVID-19 Antigen tests (home test kits) for personal use.

    正在经历 COVID-19症状 should not come to campus; however, they should call their health care provider for further guidance, 然后联系他们的直接主管和人力资源部.

  • 最近的通讯

    7/11/2022 -高中课程测试更新 员工 | 高中项目学生 & 家庭

    7/1/2022 - 暑期课程到达信息(暑期高中课程), 暑期大学预备课程, 夏季桥梁体验项目, 和暑期课程II (LC在校生).

    3/22/2022 -切换到“mask optional” 学生 & 员工 | 父母 & 家庭

    3/16/2022—国际cirt资讯会 学生 & 家庭

    3/11/2022 -春假归来 学生 & 家庭

    1/21/2022 -返校学生报到信息 学生 | 父母 & 家庭

    1/19/2022&-新生报到信息 学生 | 父母 & 家庭

    12/22/2021-JTerm & 春季学期校园指南父母 & 家庭

    12/21/2021-JTerm & 春季学期校园指南学生 | 员工

    10/15/2021-COVID-19政策更新 学生 | 父母 & 家庭

    9/11/2021-COVID-19屏蔽策略更新 学生 | 父母 & 家庭

    2021年7月9日- covid -19更新-第一周 学生 | 父母 & 家庭

    8/18/2021 - 8月20日举行网上市政厅会议 学生 | 父母 & 家庭

    8/18/2021—Reminder: Complete the Vaccination Requirement Status Form before Arrival 学生 | 父母 & 家庭

    8/07/2021 -秋季COVID-19指南更新 学生 | 父母 & 家庭

    7/28/2021—学生:返回 关于重返校园你需要知道的事情

作为学院紧急行动计划的一部分, 关键事件响应小组(CIRT)是一个小的, focused team that is called on to manage threats that require efforts beyond the capacity of the College’s daily operations. The CIRT was activated in March 2020 to coordinate the College’s response to the COVID-19 p和emic 和 continues to meet regularly.


  • 彼得·伊登,总裁
  • Michael Luciani,负责学生事务的副校长
  • 卡丽·卡利奇,负责学术事务的副校长
  • Mark DiPietro,营销副总裁 & 通信
  • 大卫·拉瓦利,行政副总裁 & 财务和首席财务官
  • 迈克尔·吉安内托,校园安全主管

如果您有任何问题,请随时发送到 (电子邮件保护). 所有CIRT会员都会收到这些邮件.
